Ni hao!
Tashi delek!
In case you couldn’t tell by my multilingual greetings, I am fascinated with foreign languages. My 6 year-old self’s proclamation that “I want to be an anthropologist when I grow up” was met with no shortage of raised eyebrows from skeptical adults. Since then, I've continued with a life of passionate fascination with world cultures. After graduating from a public high school in rural Chesterton, Indiana, I went where no CHS student had gone before: I took a gap year (a what? This phenomenon, while virtually unheard of in the Midwest, is popular in other parts of the world: basically, taking a year off between high school and college, most often for work and/or travel) to go beyond the Land of Cornfields and spend 6 months studying and traveling in India. Now, as a student at Indiana University, I’ve charted my own course of study- Inter-Cultural Arts Programming & Performance- through IU's Individualized Major Program. And I'm charting new territory again: as part of working towards my goals, I'll be spending the next year studying abroad in China & (situation permitting) Tibet.
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